Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Development Communication defined

My earlier entry about Development Communication elicited comments and questions from friends who would like to learn more about this field. In response to their queries, I am posting hereunder the definition put forth by wikipedia for Development Communication for their reference.

"Development Communication refers to a spectrum of communication processes, strategies and principles within the field of international development, aimed at improving the conditions and quality of life of people struggling with underdevelopment and marginalization. Reflective of the field’s historical evolution, Development communication is characterized by conceptual flexibility and diversity in the application of communication techniques used to address the problems of development. Some approaches in the “tool kit” of the field include: information dissemination and education, behavior change, social marketing, social mobilization, media advocacy, communication for social change, and participatory communication. Communication for informed decision.Development communication is for the betterment of the society though raised from a particular group but affect the whole mass for better."

of my reflections about Development Communication and its handiworks in the coming entries.

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